As a human being, almost everyone has encountered some health disorders such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic stress at some stages of life. Sometimes these conditions become quite severe. And if you’re struggling with these disorders then you might also watch out for some medication to get relief from these conditions and come across with a drug called etizolam. However, this etizolam drug is not a clear cut choice. Etizolam is associated with a lot of questions like, ‘What are the dangers of overdose, addictive potential, dangerous drug interactions, etc.?’ Before using etizolam you need to go through with these details.

What is etizolam?

Etizolam is a benzodiazepine analogue belongs to a thienodiazepine class. Etizolam is mainly used to get relief from conditions like mental distress, anxiety, prevention of muscle spasms, sleeplessness, etc. Its’ effects are quite similar to standard benzodiazepine drugs, including some side effects. These drugs are prone to build up tolerance and addiction.

Etizolam overdose

Excessive amounts of using etizolam can reduce ones’ inhibitions. Overdose can sometimes lead to blurred vision, lethargy, disorientation, and breathing problem, etc. A study published by Forensic Science International in Japan revealed that two people died of etizolam overdoses, they found metabolic traces of this drug in their body. A group of Japanese researchers also said that etizolam and other benzodiazepines induced Blepharospasms. They conducted their studies on three patients; they noticed that all three patients were facing difficulties keeping eyes open after consuming etizolam excessively for a prolonged period. That is why Canadian government doesn’t approve this drug for human ingestion. However, it is legal in some countries like the US, Denmark, Japan, Germany and UK.

This fast acting drug sometimes causes side effects very quickly, especially when the user is consuming etizolam along with other drugs. Some other factors like history of depression, frequent poly-substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts increase the likelihood of etizolam overdose.

Dangerous drug interactions

Though etizolam can be a safe drug when consuming it alone, but it can be life threatening in combinations with other drugs. When etizolam is combined with depressants, it can cause higher respiratory depression, unconsciousness, amnesia, hypnosis at higher doses. Unconsciousness can be life threatening due to suffocation.

In combination with stimulants, Etizolam can lead to intoxication. Sometimes, it also causes severe dehydration, a respiratory failure which can be life threatening.

Addictive potential

Many users experience etizolam as quite an addictive substance. A Study has been conducted on rats, where etizolam administered in the neurons of rats. However, no significant anticonvulsant effects were observed. This study concludes that etizolam causes less tolerance and dependence than standard benzodiazepines.

Though this tolerance also causes some sedative effects, but its’ duration totally depends on the intensity of doses and period of consumption of etizolam. It also causes some withdrawal symptoms when abruptly stop consuming, which also increases the chances of seizure. It is advisable to avoid other medications during the withdrawal period.

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